The sixth edition of the highly acclaimed "Phil's Cookie Fondo" adds more fun to the already smile-packed 2-Day Ride Experience! Day 1 day offers shorter (but not easy) ride options on Saturday, Oct 22nd, and (4) Distance Options for the main event on Sunday, Oct 23rd. The first three editions were sold out, so don't miss your chance to join Phil Gaimon & Friends at his challenging, superbly organized and super-fun day out in the beautiful hills of Malibu!
Now that he’s retired, Phil’s Fondo is his answer to that question: a chance to show off the great climbs, ocean air, and perfect weather, to help Los Angeles get the reputation it deserves as a world-class cycling destination. Phil designed the courses himself, collected rider gifts from his favorite sponsors, and thanks to our fundraising partners, Chef’s Cycle and No Kid Hungry, we’ll have celebrity chefs and Michelin stars providing lunch at the expo, post-ride dinner, and cookies all weekend, for an LA food experience that would be worth the price of registration by itself. Pro teams have held their training camps in Malibu for years. Here's your chance to find out why.