29th Annual Madison River Run - a.k.a. - Water to Whiskey 5K

Ennis, MT 59729, USA





Water to Whiskey 5K


For many years, the Madison River Run was a local fun run that generally attracted 50 to 60 runners from Madison County and the rest of Southwest Montana. It is still a local fun run and it still attracts runners from Southwest Montana, but this is just the beginning.

The Greater Yellowstone Adventure Series has partnered with Willies Distillery, a small batch distillery in Ennis, for this event. Willies Distillery is owned and operated by the Blazer family and through a process that can only be called magical they take Montana grains and turn them into world class spirits. In fact, the company mission is to make world class spirits for world class individuals. This they do.  Thus, we created the sub-name for the Madison River Run, i.e. the Water to Whiskey 5K.

The race starts right next to the Madison River within Lion's Club Park.  The finish line is inside the park.  This is all within a couple hundred yards from Willies Distillery's tasting room.

The race begins at 10:00 AM on Thanksgiving Day. This means you have a chance to do a 5K, taste some of Montana’s finest spirits at Willies Distillery's tasting room, have a snack at the G Bar, and then get home in time for your Thanksgiving Day feast. This is a family friendly event as is the race. Strollers, walkers, kids, and all are completely welcome.