Whether you are attending the March for Catholics events or not, you are welcome to join CFCP & like-minded Catholics for a relaxing evening while talking to Father James Altman & John-Henry Westen and enjoying delicious food and good beer.
Please note the following:
Due to overwhelming demand, we have worked with our host to provide a larger space than was originally announced. The event will now be outdoors under the tent. Though it will be outside, seating will be prevalent. With this being said, our original space inside is also available if you desire to stay indoors.
We encourage all guests to join in prayer to pray the Rosary at 5:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Mary's located 2 blocks away (607 NE Madison Ave, Peoria) as part of the March for Catholics events. More details about the March for Catholics events is located here.
Consider Sponsoring
We will make sure to recognize your business or organization at the event (that is, unless you don't want the recognition) in addition to email and social media exposure.
Contact us for further questions for inquiries: Events@canceledpriests.org
The Coalition for Canceled Priests is a tax-exempt 501c3 non-profit organization.
Contributions can be made through this site, on our website, and by mail at PO Box 208, Flossmoor, IL 60422.
Canceled priest founder says bishops target clergy who are ‘too conservative’ (lifesitenews.com)
Representatives of CFCP are available for interviews in advance and at the event. Live recording of the event will not be available, but approved media is allowed to attend to interview select guests.
For media inquiries please complete this online form.
Note: The views and opinions of any guest speakers do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Coalition for Canceled Priests