Battle of Mobile Bay 5K

Dauphin Island, AL

Battle of Mobile Bay 5K



Historic Fort Gaines

Organized by:

Port City Pacers (251-473-7223;


A scenic 5K certified course (AL05040JD) that starts at Fort Gaines and winds through scenic Dauphin Island neighborhoods. Map available at:


Pre-register by mail (entries should be postmarked by February 13), in person at McCoy Outdoor, Run-N-Tri, or Fleet Feet in Mobile or Running Wild in Fairhope until noon on February 18, or online at until 4 AM February 19. Early packet pick-up and late registration will be available at the PCP office located at 358 Morgan Ave on Friday, February 19, from noon until 5:30 PM. Race day registration at Fort Gaines from 7:00 to 8:00 am.


Top 3 Male & Female Overall, top Male and Female Masters, Grandmasters, Senior Grandmasters, and race walkers. Top 3 male and female in 5-year age groups.


Participants registered by Tuesday, February 13 are guaranteed a premium BOMB 5K shirt. Otherwise, shirts are available while supplies last. Youth shirts may be cotton.

Post race:

 Food, beverages and awards.

COVID-19 Considerations:

Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the Port City Pacers are making the following modifications to our normal race routine:

  • All participants, volunteers, spectators, and race officials are asked and expected to wear face coverings (masks) and to social distance as much as possible during this event.  
  • Participants may remove their masks during the race, but are ask to replace their mask after they have finished the race.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available 
  • No contact awards presentation - Winners will be announced and winners will pick-up their awards from the awards table.