Organized by:
Mobile Police Department S.W.A.T. Team
Saturday June 3, 2017 @7:30AM
12251 Tanner Williams Rd, Mobile, AL 36608 - next to Big Creek Lake dam
Proceeds to benefit the MPD S.W.A.T. Team for training and equipment
5K course that includes mud and obstacles - check us out at
or follow the event on Facebook.
Pre-register by mail (entries should be postmarked by May 22), walk-in at McCoy Outdoor,
Run-N-Tri, or Fleet Feet in Mobile, or Running Wild in Fairhope until noon on June 1, or
online at until 4 AM June 2.
Early packet pick-up and late registration on Friday, June 2 from noon until 6 PM at Port City
Pacers’ office at 358 Morgan Ave.
Race day registration and packet pick-up available at the event from 6 AM – 7:15 AM.
Participants registered by May 22 will be guaranteed a tee shirt on race day. Shirts while
supplies last after May 28.
Pre-registered: $50
Day of race: $60
Participants must be 13 or older on race day to participate in the Mud Run
*Fees include race shirt, entry to post race party, and eligibility for door prizes.
Starting Times:
Competitive race starts at 7:30 AM. Runners will launch in waves of 50 – 75 individuals at 15 minute intervals. Placement in starting waves will be determined by participants' date and time of registration - early registrants will be placed in early start waves.
The non-competitive run will begin shortly after the last wave of the competitive race has left the start line. Participants will receive finish times, but will not be eligible for awards.
Awards - Competitive race only:
1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place male and female winners in each age group of the competitive race. AGE GROUPS: 13-17, 18-35, 36-up
Post-Race Party:
Food, beverages, raffles, awards presentation and music.