The Moab Ho Down Mountain Bike Festival is back!!!
A festival full of two wheeled opportunity = FUN!!!
Hosted By Moab’s local IMBA Chapter
Moab Bike Association
Raising funds for our local bike park and funding trail projects in the Moab Area!
Enduro Racers
Packet pick up available Thursday 10/24 & Friday 10/25 from 2pm-6pm at the MARC, located at 111 E. 100 North, Moab
Spooky Cross & Moab Brewery Costume Party
Wristbands for entry available Thursday 10/24 & Friday 10/25 from 2pm-6pm at the MARC, located at 111 E. 100 North, Moab
Registration check-in and waiver completion for the Maintenance Clinic, Skills Clinic & Jump Jam will happen at their respective venue. Date, time and address below:
Maintenance Clinic - 10/24 Thursday, 9am 125 W. 200 South
Skills Clinic - 10/25 Friday, 9am Moab Brands Trails N. Hwy 191
Jump Jam - 10/27 Sunday, 11am Anonymous Bike Park on 500 West