No More 5k

Planet Gallifrey, USA

No More 5k


Whovian Running Club is pleased to announce our second event of 2017:

The No More 5k!

The War Doctor, portrayed by the late Sir John Hurt, was the Doctor on the day it wasn't possible to get it right. He stole The Moment from the Time Vaults and intended to use it to end the Time War. Now you can get the Moment (without having to sneak into the Omega Arsenal) as a large 4" medal which comes with a beautiful sublimated ribbon and your own personalized digital bib.

The War Doctor declared NO MORE to the death and destruction of the Time War. It is in a similar voice that we say NO MORE to the loss of one of the most important species on our planet. We don't know if it is pollution or climate change or if they are simply returning home to the planet Melissa Majoria, but the bees are disappearing. WRC is excited that our charity partner for the No More 5k will be the Bumble Bee Conservation Trust (BBCT) in the United Kingdom. The BBCT organizes numerous national, regional, and local projects to reintroduce previously extinct bee species, increase areas of wildflowers, and support these vital insects. Please visit to learn more about what your participation will accomplish!

And don't forget your event shirt! Three Doctors and the perfect quote from Marcus Aurelius...fezzes are cool, but this shirt is cooler! Just go to All proceeds from the event shirts will also go to the Bumble Bee Conservation Trust.

The suggested run date for this event is Sunday, March 26th. The Moment took the form of the Doctor's "future" companion, Rose Tyler. March 26th, 2005 was the original air date of the first "new Who" episode: Rose. What better day to go for a run? Remember this is just a fun suggestion. You can complete your 5k whenever you want. Registration closes on April 2nd and all of the medals will be mailed about a week later.

For more information on how our virtual running events work, please visit our FAQ.

Sign up today and say NO MORE to the bees disappearing!