Push/Pull for Pancreatic Cancer


Push/Pull for Pancreatic Cancer


Put your muscles to work for pancreatic cancer!

Being part of the Push/Pull for PC competition is a way for you to make your hard work matter. Participation means spreading awareness for a deadly cancer, funding crucial research for a cure and early detection, providing struggling patients with financial aid, and awarding scholarships to kids affected by the disease.

To help raise awareness and funds, we're asking CrossFit boxes around the country to participate in the Push/Pull for PC initiative. Through your box, participants will be able to compete in the workout challenge below on November 18th. All participating boxes will get $400 in gift cards from our partner Hylete, to be distributed however they see fit.

The WOD:

20 minute AMRAP

11 Pull Ups

18 Push Ups

3 Dead Lifts (body weight)

200 Meter Run

Boxes can enter for free by creating a team with their gym's name, and asking their members to sign up under their team. Boxes who set up their own teams can create a unique team code, or simply have members search for the box's name when registering. They then program the WOD above for November 18th.

Individuals enter by registering under their box's team. The $30 fee gets you a Push/Pull for PC Hylete technical tee or tank top. Make sure to wear it during the WOD in order to compete!


Hylete is all about providing premium performance apparel and gear that powers your functional-fitness lifestyle, while continuously pushing the limits to support and strengthen the Hylete nation. They will not only be producing the awesome technical tees/tanks for the WOD, they will also be providing the prizes.

Project Purple is a 501(c)3 nonprofit with a mission of beating pancreatic cancer. Find out more about Project Purple at www.run4projectpurple.org or call us at 203-714-6052. Your can email Elizabeth for more information about the Push/Pull for PC at elizabeth@run4projectpurple.org.