Sacred Sunday: Sanctuary Hours

559 Rocky Hill Rd, Scituate, RI 02857, USA


Please Note:

We are on Sacred Retreat through the Month of January

to Rest & Restore Ourselves So That We May Continue to Serve


 Weekly Sacred Sunday Sanctuary Hours




 Monthly Ram Dass Fellowship 

The Last Sunday of Every Month

Sacred Sundays are an invitation to take the time to slow down, connect with Nature and turn your attention inward towards the Sanctuary of your Heart.

All are invited to enjoy the beauty of our Sanctuary Gardens and Botanical Oasis and to experience the sense of renewal that awakens within when we become still in Nature with a community of like hearted folks.  

Feel free to bring your own meditation cushion, journal, art supplies; whatever assists your journey into the present moment.

When visiting us on Sacred Sundays please be mindful of the shared intention to be immersed in Nature and to experience our own personal Sacred Connection.


 First Half Hour: Arrival

Guests are invited to enjoy the Botanical Oasis/ Sanctuary Gardens and to settle into your special spot to become still.



Katherine will offer a dharma talk & guided meditation to deepen our community practice.

Last Half Hour: Departure

Gently begin to transition back into the outer world.

We offer our lovingly cultivated land and her Sacred Spaces as a gift to the community and we gratefully accept donations for heating and maintaining the Wintertime Oasis and the Summertime Sanctuary Gardens.

Katherine offers Sacred Guidance for those who are interested in exploring and mapping the Sanctuary of their Heart or who may be in need of support transitioning back to the realm of chop wood, carry water.


 Click Here to Subscribe to our Bi-Monthly Newsletter 

Offered on the New & Full Moon Each Month