Ski Jumping/Nordic Combined Winter Program

7015 Abbott Rd, Anchorage, AK 99507, USA


Special jumping

Our special jumping programs are geared toward athletes who want to specialize in ski jumping. Athletes will work on and off the ski jumping hill to develop all the skills to be the best possible ski jumper they can be. Athletes who are enrolled in special jumping, but do their Nordic training through other programs can still enter in our Nordic combined competitions. Skiers should be able to ski down Hilltop Ski Area from the top of the lift without help before enrolling in one of our programs.

Nordic combined

Our Nordic combined program is for athletes that want to ski jump and also cross-country ski. Athletes will do all of the ski jumping training, but will also spend time building endurance through cross-country skiing, running, and biking.

Nordic combined groups need a minimum of 3 athletes in or to run the program. If this threshold is not met we will issue you a refund.

Cubs – Ages 5 – 7 (DOB 2018-2016)

Cubs ski jumping is a very light introduction to the sport. This program starts in mid-January and runs until the beginning of March. All skiers will use downhill ski gear, which must be provided by the families. Skiers will start on the landing hill and progress to the smallest jump, the 10-meter. Skiers should be able to ski down Hilltop Ski Area without help from parents or instructors. Starting January 24th.

U10 – Ages 6 – 9 (DOB 2014-2017)

U10 ski jumping and Nordic combined is focused on having fun and developing fundamental skiing skills. Skiers will start out on the landing hill with their alpine ski gear. After mastering the landing hill skiers will move on to our smallest ski jump. Here skiers will continue to work on fundamental skiing skills. If their abilities progress enough, they will transfer over to ski jumping gear. The primary focus is having fun, developing ski skills, and learning about ski jumping/nordic combined. Skiers are highly encouraged to participate in other sports outside of ski jumping and Nordic combined. Competitions should be viewed as a fun experience to gain competition skills.

U12 – Ages 10 – 11 (DOB 2012-2013)

U12 is very similar to U10 with an added concentration on developing higher-level ski jumping skills. The primary focus is having fun, developing ski skills, and learning about ski jumping/nordic combined. Skiers are highly encouraged to participate in other sports outside of ski jumping and Nordic combined. Competitions should be viewed as a fun experience to gain competition skills.

U14 – Ages 12 -13 (DOB 2010-2011)

U14 ski jumping and Nordic combined are designed for intermediate to advanced skiers. The focus of this program is to improve upon already developed ski jumping skills. Skiers will learn about structured training programs through a fun environment. Skiers will jump on the 20, 40, and 65-meter ski jumps. This program will develop athletes on and off the hill focusing on dryland training and technique training on the ski jump. Skiers are highly encouraged to attend local competitions and consider traveling outside of Alaska for Regional competitions. Skiers' progress will be tracked through an introduction to training logs. Skiers are still encouraged to participate in other sports.

U16-U20 – Ages 14 – 19 (DOB 2004-2009)

U16-U20 ski jumping and Nordic combined are designed for advanced skiers. Training plans will be made to fully develop and fine-tune ski jumping and cross-country skills. There will be a strong emphasis on physical development off the ski jump. Skiers will track their training through training logs which will be reviewed by the coaching staff. Most training will be done on the 65-meter ski jump. Travel outside of Alaska training camps, and competitions is highly encouraged.