Speak The Language of HOPE to Your Child (for Parents)

601 Children's Ln, Norfolk, VA 23507, USA




Parents, are you feeling hopeful or discouraged about your child’s future? Learn strategies that you can use to enhance your child’s well-being despite stressful situations, or adversities they may face. Join this webinar and hear from members of the HOPE project team, about the encouraging research that provides a framework for promoting healthy outcomes in children.  Come to learn what an important difference you can make in your child’s life by focusing on the four key building blocks of HOPE, and leave feeling inspired. 

 Presented by Dina Burstein, MD, MPH and Amanda Winn, MSW, Project HOPE team members from The Center for Community-Engaged Medicine at Tuft’s University, where the language of HOPE provides a positive lens, which focuses on the buffering effects of positive childhood experiences and builds on strengths.