Benefits: The OysterTrail (
Location: Race will start and finish close to Wintzell’s Oyster House on Dauphin Street.
Distance: Certified 1 Mile course in downtown Mobile.
Register by mail (entries should be postmarked by October 10, 2015), in person at McCoy Outdoor, Run-N-Tri, or Fleet Feet in Mobile or Running Wild in Fairhope until noon on October 15, 2015, or online on until 4 AM, October 16, 2015.
Race day registration and packet pick-up at Wintzell’s on Dauphin Street from 12 – 1:15 PM.
Entry fees:
$20 Adult
$15 Youth 12 and Under
Day of Race:
$25 Adult
$20 Youth 12 and Under
Awards: Top male and female Overall, Masters, and Grandmasters. Top three male and female in age groups: 9 and under, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30- 34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, and 75-99.
Shirts: To guarantee a shirt on race day, you must submit your application by October 4, 2015.
Post-Race Party: The Big Oyster Mile will help to kick off the 2nd Annual Mobile Streets Alive. Food, Abita beverages, root beer floats make with Abita root beer and Cammie’s Old Dutch ice cream, and awards will be provided after the race.