The Invisible Rules

48 Filion Crescent, Kanata, ON K2M 1V4, Canada


We look forward to welcoming you to our online information session presented by Paul Harrietha.








 The Invisible Rules


It’s no big secret at this point: Women remain badly represented at the top of corporate Canada. Fewer positions, lower pay, less security, and limited opportunities to really impact the current power structure.


The big question is, Why? And, more to the point, what can we do about it?



Paul Harrietha's BIO

Paul Harrietha, Ph.D, is a career consultant specializing in leadership, member engagement and change management. Paul retired from Eckler Ltd. in 2016 as a senior partner and chair of the firm’s global consulting network. Most recently, he served as the Chief Executive Officer of the OMERS Sponsors Corporation, the design arm of one of Canada’s leading defined benefit pension plans.

Paul holds a doctorate in leadership and policy, and lectures regularly on leadership, change management, and gender equity. He is currently chair of the advisory board for Niagara University in Ontario and serves as an executive advisor at UPP, a newly established joint-trusteed pension plan for the Ontario University sector.





  If you need help, contact Paul at Caps Leadership

Click here to view Paul Harrietha's LinkedIn profile


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