The Whole Smash

Ennis, MT 59729, USA




The Whole Smash is a new race category for the Greater Yellowstone Adventure Series (GYAS).  It involves competing in every single race in the series.  As noted with the above logos, this is a big challenge.  Seven races in 16 days.


July 1 - 12th Annual Madison Triathlon

July 2 - 12th Annual Madison Duathlon

July 8 - 16th Annual Madison Marathon

July 9 - 9th Annual Big Sky Marathon

July 14 - 4th Annual Madison Ultra (you choose the 50K or the 100K)

July 15 - 28th Annual Water to Whiskey 5K

July 16 - 7th Annual Tour de Gravelly


In the event that you cannot quite attend one of the races, we will allow you to transfer your entry to friend.  It's a way to set a huge challenge for yourself, but also to ensure you can get into the GYAS races and share some love with friends if you want to.

Of course by taking this challenge on, you are automatically signed up for the TBA award though you have to do the full Madison Marathon .  That is, the Total Bad Ass award.  You're also on for the Double Marathon - either double full, double half, or the 'My Double Marathon.'

No matter how you look at this, it's an immense challenge.  We hope you give it a shot.

See you in July!