Thorsby Mudslayer 2018

Thorsby, AB

Thorsby Mudslayer 2018


  1. On-line registration closes June 2, 2018 at 06:00am.
  2. All entries are non-refundable, non-transferable and non-deferrable under any circumstances.
  3. The entry fee does not include the on-line processing fee.
  4. The MudDash is 3km and over 11 obstacles and is family friendly.
  5. The Ultimate Mudslayer is 6km+ and over 15 obstacles.
  6. Teams are encouraged. Please register individually and prior to the start time, waves will line up in teams to leave every 10 minutes.
  7. Refund: Community Fit Ltd would like to allow refunds up to 3 weeks before the event start date. This will not include the online processing fee. Please contact Sherri Morrissey at
  8. Start Times: Ultimate Mudslayer 11:30am o MudDash approx. 1:00pm
  9. Contact Sherri Morrissey if you have any questions at