Volunteer for The Dallas Vert Mile 2019
Dallas, TX
If you're going to the Dallas Vert Mile to support friends or family members, why not join and be part of the action by volunteering? You'll get a free t-shirt; sticker; entry into Reunion Tower - which normally costs $17; and that happy feeling that comes with doing something nice for others.
We know it's super early, but if you don't mind rising before the sun, and most of the city, we would be forever grateful if you'd join us at 4:30-5:00 a.m.
4:30 is our preference since the athletes will be showing up at 5:00, and we need some time to get you settled into your role. However, we understand the snooze button routine and won't turn you away if you show up a bit later than planned.
We can't wait to see you!