XMANRACE is an obstacle course performed on foot and can be done by EVERYONE. You want to challenge yourself mentally and physically while challenging all of your physical capabilities? You have never been in a sports event? You are not interested in running on paved roads? You like to train at the gym but have yet to prove to your friends that your strength is not limited to pumping iron? You like an adrenaline rush; thrills, mud, surprises and you’re not afraid of a few scratches? You want to become an XMAN? XMANRACE is definitely for you. Still wondering if this is for you? This is precisely why you need to register!
Can I do the XMAN RACE?
Yes. Anyone can do this, whether you’re a beginner, an elite athlete, young or old. Even if you’re scared to try it, everyone can make it to the finish line at his or her own pace. You may even skip a particular obstacle if it’s too hard and instead do the corresponding penalty at that obstacle.