Coho Swim 2024

Ambleside Park, 1150 Marine Dr, West Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada


Date and Time – Sunday, at 9 am

Check in – 7:30 – 8:30 (Start/Finish) – Ambleside Beach

Coho Swim has a Wet Suit Mandatory policy.

Entry Includes

Early Registration Swim T-shirt – A Coho Swim t-shirt will be given to participants that register BEFORE July 31st

Gear corral – A courtesy gear check-in will be available to protect swimmers’ gear during the race.

Breakfast – A swimmers’ breakfast will be waiting for you close to the Start/ Finish point of the swim

Prizes – Great draw prizes will be available and distributed during the awards ceremony

Awards – Awards will be presented after the Coho Swim has completed at approximately 11am. They will be presented to the top 3 Females and Males of the 1.5 & 3KM races

First Aid will be on hand


Online Registration closes: September 5, 2024


Until Aug 31 - $65

Until Sept 6 - $75

Race Day - $90

Set along the shores of Traditional Coast Salish Territory the annual Coho Festival open water swim offers the opportunity to swim through the mythical waters described in Pauline Johnson’s Vancouver Legends along the coast of one of the worlds most scenic urban landscapes while at the same time contributing to the valuable salmon conservation activities the Coho Festival supports.

This open water swim forms a loop mimicking the migratory patterns Coho and other species of indigenous salmon have performed for millennia and centers on Ambleside Beach Park, part of the ecosystem that forms habitat for Coho salmon on the North Shore.

The swim will offer 1.5 & 3KM options starting / finishing close to the iconic welcoming Totempole that marks the entrance to the Capilano watershed.

Make sure you come to cheer on participants of the swim and stay to enjoy the Coho Festival.

All net proceeds of this event help to support salmon enhancement projects including stream stewardship.

Ron den Daas

Race Director