Official NFT of the FiloFest music festival
1080 x 1350 px, Video (47.7 MB)
This is a signed and limited edition digital creation. This means each addition of this piece is unique with its own digital certificate of authenticity ensured by the blockchain. Each edition is linked to a unique and unforgeable token signed by the creator. Even if someone copies or shares it across the internet, only you own the authentic creation of your specific edition purchased. Like a physical creation, it’s yours to collect, show off or resell on an NFT platform of your choice.
You’re purchasing the full non-commercial rights to this creation
Upon purchase, this creation will be reserved for you and transferred to your digital wallet once ticket sales have closed.
You may download the full-sized creation to display or even print for personal use.
All sales are final.
Official Merch!
Filo fest