TED is an acronym for technology, entertainment and design and TEDxPasadena is a local, self-organized, non-profit TED event, that brings people together to share a TED-like experience.
TEDxPasadena provides a forum for the cross-pollination of ideas and expertise among industries, socioeconomic groups, ages, and life experiences. We nourish a community of bright minds with diverse interests, and engage in discourse inspired by TED talks that are idea-focused, and cover a wide range of subjects. The goal is to foster learning, inspiration, and wonder — and involvement is sure to spark conversations that matter.
Ticket choice of general admission or reserved seating, includes access to all speaker sessions, the live-Simulcast, and Words2Action Alley (an interactive communal activity space featuring partners from in and around the Pasadena area). Food service for the day (a light breakfast, box lunch, drinks and snacks) is also included.
Reserved seats include access to the Words2Action Private Speaker Lounge and a signed copy of TEDx speaker Erika Jayne’s book, Pretty Mess.