The Artist's Wife

1074 Bank St, Ottawa, ON K1S 3X3, Canada


PG | United States of America | Tom Dolby | English | 94 minutes

Claire Smythson, wife of the renowned abstract artist Richard Smythson, is plunged into a late-life crisis when her husband is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and is in danger of not completing the paintings for his final show. Starring Oscar and BAFTA nominee Lena Olin, and 2x Oscar nominee and Cannes Film Festival award winner Bruce Dern!

Hamptons International Film Festival: Suffolk County Next Exposure Award for writer/director Tom Dolby!
Sonoma International Film Festival: Best US Independent Feature – Jury Award winner!

“Lena Olin’s powerful, graceful turn in The Artist’s Wife is balm for the soul…a beautifully realized and often painful love story.” (What She Said)

“Terrific performances…Indeed, The Artist’s Wife displays rare sophistication for a non-European film…superb leading players. The film certainly looks gorgeous, delivering beautifully photographed scenes of its wintry Hamptons” (Hollywood Reporter)

“a solid drama with excellent acting by its two leads and periphery cast.” (At Home In Hollywood)