The Big Bird Cage

1074 Bank St, Ottawa, ON K1S 3X3, Canada


Women rebel against slave labor in a sugar cane jungle prison.

“director Jack Hill delivers an excellent and well paced film…a really fun film with plenty of great comedic moments and excellent action scenes.” (Last Road Reviews)

“It’s one of my favorite movies and offers near endless entertainment value” (Cool Ass Cinema)

“provides all kinds of grindhouse thrills” (Combustible Celluloid)

“the strongest cast ever assembled for a movie of its type.” (1000 Misspent Hours)

Roger Corman Tribute Festival throughout June!

-The Big Bird Cage- the week of June 7!
-Targets- the week of June 14!
-Boxcar Bertha- the week of June 21!
-Rock ‘n’ Roll High School- the week of June 28!

*Please take note that doors open 30 minutes before showtimes. We encourage people to arrive early. We have a small box office, a small candy bar, and a single-screen cinema, meaning that when most of an audience shows up a few minutes before showtime, it causes a bottleneck. If possible, we appreciate you arriving a little bit early to pick out your seat and get your popcorn. Thanks for your help!