Trains and Boats and Planes (and Cars!)
Saturday, May 13
The Ville Amphitheater
301 Lafayette Avenue
Fayetteville, GA 30214
7:30 p.m.
Doors Open at 6:30 p.m.
Bring your own picnic and enjoy songs about modes of travel like Take the A Train, Rock the Boat, Come Fly with Me, and Route 66. Light concessions are available for purchase: Water Soft Drinks, Candy Bars, and Chips.
$20 Adult
$15 Student and Senior
$25 At the Door
Tables of 8 - $250 Reservations must be made in advance by calling 770-716-1231
Tickets available at Fayetteville Library or at
The SCC Amphitheater concert is always a memorable musical experience with great fellowship and fun for all! Sponsored by the Fayette County News, this treasured concert will be a highlight of our season. Toni Byrd and Bobby Lacey, guest soloists, will add lots of energy to the evening with their immense talent and sparkling personalities.