Family Day screening on February 17, additional screening on February 16!
Young Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado from their Kansas farm to the magical Land of Oz. They embark on a quest with three new friends to see the Wizard, who can return her to her home and fulfill the others’ wishes.
Academy Awards: Best Score, Song award winner! Best Picture, Art Direction, Special Effects nominee!
National Film Preservation Board, USA: Added to the National Film Registry in 1989!
5 Stars! “truly great storytelling” (Time Out)
5 Stars! “a true barometer for greatness” (Empire)
5 Stars! “The greatest children’s movie of all time.” (Film 4)
5 Stars! “a masterpiece of early cinema…it’s simply a must-see film.” (Common Sense Media)
*Please take note that doors open 30 minutes before showtimes. We encourage people to arrive early. We have a small box office, a small candy bar, and a single-screen cinema, meaning that when most of an audience shows up a few minutes before showtime, it causes a bottleneck. If possible, we appreciate you arriving a little bit early to pick out your seat and get your popcorn. Thanks for your help!