Thesis Format: An Easy And Simple Guide

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Writing a thesis definitely takes a toll on students, as first-timers do not know how to format their thesis. What is a thesis? Of course, you would wonder whenever you hear or read that word. Let me tell you in simple words:

A thesis is a lengthy design, experimental and theoretical report that entails a problem, method, result, and discussion structure. There are a few things that students need to know before getting started.

It’s not that hard to understand so you don’t have to worry about it. I am sure after reading this guide below, things will become easier for you to understand.

Several students also get stuck in the structure or format of the thesis. One of my fellows eventually began to plead to people, “please write my essay” as she got confused at the very first stage following the step-by-step procedure. She bugged me until I had to give in and help her in writing her thesis.

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With the help of this guide, you do not need to worry about the thesis any longer. Although it’s a complicated process, once you get the hang of it, you are good to go.

There are several chapters that we have to name in a thesis. A thesis also comprises 50+ pages, so if you are thinking you can get the job done with less effort, you are wrong.

Let’s now have a look at the outline of a thesis: 


The abstract is the crux of the entire paper and it usually consists of 5- to 10 sentences and 100-150 at the max. you cannot exceed the word for abstract. The abstract comprises the problem statement, methodology, and findings only.

Don’t add anything else in the abstract.

Chapter 1: Significance and Purpose of the research study

 Chapter 1 or, in other words, the introduction, is the significance and purpose of the study. In this chapter you have to give background on the topic you have to write about, and also state why this research study that you are conducting is important.

Next, you have to mention the problem statement, from which you have to extract the hypothesis and research question. Make sure you have a clearly defined problem statement and hypothesis, as there is no point in continuing the flawed dissertation.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

As the name suggests, the literature review is your review of the pre-existing literature that talks about the subject you are discussing in your thesis. Some topics are very broad and extensive research material can be found, so make sure to choose the topics that you can easily find literature on.

Your analysis matters in this portion so make sure you discuss and analyze alongside it.

Chapter 3: Methodology

In this chapter, one has to mention the research design that they have opted for this study, i.e., either qualitative or quantitative. Research sampling or interviews are the main preferences of the research scholars.

Make sure you are well aware of the qualitative and quantitative methods before beginning your thesis as this portion is quite technical. You have to explain in detail your method of collecting the data, research design, sampling, etc.

I know it sounds complicated since a lot of statistical data goes into this portion, but if you are having difficulty comprehending the process, hiring an essay writer for this specific portion is a great idea as they know how to help.

Remember! all the testing, sampling/interviews, and procedure of evaluating data have to be done in this chapter.

Chapter 4: Findings

In this chapter, you will have to describe in detail the analysis of your findings. The data you have collected from your selected research design has to have an outcome. Hence, thoroughly analyze what the outcome says. Is it aligning with your hypothesis or going against it? 

Start by explaining any confirming/descriptive analysis, for example, factors analysis or reliability test.

One thing to note, this chapter only includes findings, you must refrain from discussing anything not relevant to the chapter such as literature or introduction, etc.

The numeric information and figures have to be in tabular form so that it is easier to understand what’s going on in the chapter. If you have difficulty understanding this portion, I’d suggest you take help from paper writing service providers as they will easily get things done for you; but again, it’s high time you learn the thesis formatting yourself, as a skill is never wasted.

This is an important part of academic writing- learning how to write a thesis. You know it will come in handy when you have to write your dissertation.

I hope you have all the misconceptions cleared regarding this chapter.

Moving on to the next chapter.

Chapter 5: Discussions.

This will conclude your thesis; but first, you have to state the relation between your findings and the theoretical implications of the literature that you have discussed in the previous chapter.

Simply stating the findings won’t do much, you have to analyze and define a clear relationship between what the outcome is and what has been discussed in the existing literature. Often students do not pay much attention to this chapter but know that it is equally important.

In the case of qualitative research, you may need to introduce new literature here, and what do these findings mean for the field that is being examined?

Next comes limitations that you have to explain, and recommendations that you want to propose. Conclude this chapter with a strong sentence.

Alright, folks, that is it for the guidelines for thesis format. Read them again and understand them well before beginning your thesis.


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