How do I join a corporate group? -

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How do I join a corporate group?

Last Updated: Feb 24, 2023 10:57AM PST

Has your company generously arranged for you to participate in an exciting upcoming event? You’ll need to use a special link to sign yourself up to officially join the group.

The purchaser of the corporate group will have links for the number of spots they’ve ordered. Please reach out to them to send you an invite link or wait for them to do a shout out to you. If you are the representative, please check out this helpful article for tips on inviting members – How do I invite people to join my corporate group?

Then you can click the link given to you by your company to open your registration form or ticket for the event. Fill in your information and Submit Order! You’ll be signed up and ready to go!

Please note: Your Corporate Group registration/ ticket was prepaid and will not prompt you to pay. However, you may have the option of purchasing add ons which will require an additional payment.

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