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Last Updated: Mar 25, 2021 11:08AM PDT

Badges allow you to add any kind of intermediate goals in your challenge to keep your participants engaged during the challenge.

There is a special Challenge Type available which enables you to create creative and engaging challenges which are entirely based on the badges you create.


Use these settings to configure each badge.

  • Active: this needs to be able to allow participants to earn a badge. You can optionally specify a date range during which a badge is active.
  • Only after: this option allows you to order your badges in such a way badges need to be collected in a specific order. This is great for triathlons and other multi-sport challenges
  • Show on Map: check this option to show a badge on the course map (when available for your race)

Goal Types

  • Score Value: the current score value is used. The score value depends on the challenge type. E.g. for a total distance challenge this will be the total distance completed. You can set either an absolute value or a percentage of the challenge goal to award the badge.
  • Completed distance: this is the total distance of the result. Typically used for Distance challenges
  • Completed elevation: similar to the completed distance, but now based on the total elevation gained
  • Consecutive days: the number of consecutive calendar days with at least one qualifying activity. Please note this is based on calendar days and not 24 hours. E.g. it is allowed to run one day in the morning and the next day in the evening.
  • Activity: allows you to award badges for specific activities. You can filter on the activity type but also on a minimal distance or a maximum duration. This allows you to create a badge for a sub 5 hours marathon time, or for a 1km fragment of a run. 
    • When the distance is set we calculate the actual time required to complete that distance in the qualifying activity.  This means if you set a 5k goal but the participant slowed down after the 5k while keeping the activity recording we will still take the fast 5k part of the activity.
    • When the distance is set only activities with at least that distance can qualify
    • When the duration is set only activities faster than the given duration can qualify
  • Race Result: Use this option to link a badge to a result of the same participant in another race. The badge value will be updated every time the score is updated. Use this option to combine multiple sub-results in one overall results. Such as a broken triathlon or a multi-distance race.
  • Coordinate: this option allows you to create badges which will be triggered by activities within a defined radius of the given coordinate. This is great for virtual treasure hunts or other badges which are bound to a specific location. Please note that only activities with a GPS track can qualify for this type of badges and manual entries cannot unlock this badge type (as we don’t know where the user was).


Enable the email option to have an automatic email send when this badge is earned. The email contains a Share option which helps to increase engagement of this challenge.

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