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How can I resend my confirmation email?

Last Updated: Feb 3, 2021 10:12AM PST

Can’t find your confirmation email? No Problem! You can easily log into and send yourself another email.

1. Log In to your account.

2. Click on your username in the top right-hand corner of the page and select MY EVENTS from the drop-down menu.

3. Find the event you are attending and click on VIEW ORDER or MANAGE EVENT and then VIEW ORDER (if you’re a team captain).

4.  If you are an Attendee, click on the MANAGE REGISTRATION or MANAGE TICKET button and select Resend Confirmation Email from the drop-down menu.

If you are the Buyer you can resend the original order information by clicking on the ORDER # (highlighted in blue) and selecting Resend Order Email.

5. Both selections will send an email automatically to the email address on file (be sure to check your junk folder if you don’t receive it in your inbox within a couple minutes).

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