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How do I use the EverySale™ app?

Last Updated: Feb 3, 2021 10:00AM PST

You will need an login with at least one live event set up and ready to transact.

1. Log in to the EverySale app

2. Select the event you would like to sell tickets for on-site

3. On the event page, click the Settings icon

3. Edit settings if needed, and click SAVE if you’ve made changes. Find out more about events settings

4. Click START ON-SITE SALES when you’re ready to start selling tickets/registrations at your event

5. Choose between The Event Staff – Box Office and My Attendees – Self-Service management options

Note: The Event Staff option gives you the choice of Credit Card, Cash, and/or Check, while My Attendees only has the CC payment style available

If using – The Event Staff (Box Office Mode)

1. Add the name of the user who will be taking payment on this device don’t worry, you can change this later if needed

2. Click the Sell Tickets or Sell Registrations button

3. On Step 1, select the tickets/registrations and quantity the attendee wants to buy

4. On Step 2, enter any attendee information you wish to collect (first name, last name and email are all optional text fields) and add any additional items, or promo codes to the order

5. The Purchase Summary will update automatically as changes are made to the order

6. When finished, click NEXT

7. On Step 3, take payment from the attendee—payment options depend on what has been selected for this event during the setup process

8. For credit card transactions, simply swipe the card using Magtek uDynamo credit card swiper (model number 21073092)

9. For cash transactions, add the amount the attendee gives you, and click NEXT

10. If a balance is due back to the attendee, it will show on this page

11. For check transactions, there is a memo field for any check information you would like to collect, such as check number or other identifying information

12. On the Confirmation page, you will see the order summary and be able to finish the process by clicking the I’M FINISHED button

13. If printing, you have the option to print or re-print on this page

14. If the attendee paid with cash, you can see the change due on this page as well

If using “My Attendees – Self-Service”

Remember, this feature enables attendees to purchase tickets kiosk-style on their own

Note: We recommend having event staff nearby to offer assistance

1. Click the Sell Registrations button

2. On Step 1, choose the desired ticket/registration and quantity

3. On Step 2, enter optional attendee information (first name, last name and email are all optional text fields) and add any additional items, or promo codes to the order

4. The Purchase Summary will update automatically as changes are made to the order

5. When finished, click NEXT

6. On Step 3, swipe the card using Magtek uDynamo credit card swiper (model number 21073092)

7. On the Confirmation page you will see the order summary, and be able to finish the process by clicking the I’M FINISHED button

8. If printing, you have the option to print or re-print on this page

Post-Transaction Options

1. On the START page you will see a MANAGE button

2. If using the The Event Staff – Box Office option to Switch Users , you can change the name of the staff member using the app here

3. You will need a manager log in or pin to do so

4. In the Manage Tickets tab you are able to manage orders after a transaction is complete.You can refund, cancel, and re-print tickets for past orders

5. These actions require a manager login or pin number

6. Exit On-Site Sales.

All finished with your event or want to change any event settings? With a manager login or pin number, you are able to exit on-site sales and return to the setup portion of the app.

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