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How do I view or change my team access code?

Last Updated: Feb 3, 2021 10:07AM PST

Did you set a team access code and forget? Or maybe you thought of a new awesome one to give your team a laugh. As team captain, you can view, add, or change your access code with these easy steps:

1. Log In to your account (Click Sign Up if it’s your first time, and use the email you used for your order).

2. Click on YOU at the top right-hand corner of your screen and select MY EVENTS on the left of your page.

3. Find the event you want to change your team access code in. Click the MANAGE EVENT button under the event. Then select Manage Team.

4. Once on the team page, your team name and access code will display. If you want to add or edit the code, press the pencil icon next to it.

5. Press SAVE if you need to update your team access code. And make sure you tell all your future teammates!

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