How do I add Instagram to my page when creating an event? -

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How do I add Instagram to my page when creating an event?

Last Updated: Feb 3, 2021 10:10AM PST

Adding your Instagram account on your event page when creating it is quick and easy!

We don’t have to tell you how important social media can be when you’re trying to encourage the masses to share and promote your event.

You can add your Instagram feed to your account when you first create an event (instructions here).

OR if you already have created your event and would like to add your Instagram to the landing page, here are the steps:

1. To get started, while in your event, click on EDIT in the upper right navigation.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, where you will see and click Log in to Instagram

3. Once you are logged in, click Authorize to access your photos and post them on a public site.

That’s it, be sure to click SAVE when you’re done to save all your hard work!

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