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Why do some cards have a “Buyer” label in the People section of my event?

Last Updated: Feb 3, 2021 10:10AM PST

You may have noticed that some of your people have the word “Buyer” at the top of their car, while others do not. People denoted as “Buyers” are those who processed the order, and may or may not have a separate, non-buyer card.

There are three different scenarios for each “Buyer” card:

1. A person purchased their own registration for an event that did not collect contact information for each event goer, such as a concert. In this scenario, this person will have a “Buyer” card for this order.

2. A person purchased one or more tickets for an event that did not collect contact information for each event goer, such as a concert. In this scenario, this person will only have a “Buyer” card for this order.

3. A person purchase a registration for someone else in an event that collected contact information for the registrant, such as a fun run. All people with a non-buyer card will be attending your event.

Other people may only have one card that is not labeled as “Buyer”, which means that someone else purchase their registration for them. All people with a non-buyer card will be attending your event.

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