Does Your Brand Need a Reboot?

Every so often a company or institution will recognize the importance of fine-tuning their brand image. By doing so, they not only acknowledge the evolution of their business, but also show consumers they are willing to embrace change. Since any changes you make to your brand involve time, money, and energy, it is wise to first decide whether you need a total rebrand, or just a refresh. Let’s look at the two options:

A Brand Refresh
If you are taking the refresh route, think of it like a personal makeover for your brand. You’re not looking to do anything radical—just transform how your brand is perceived by consumers, while maintaining a visual connection to how the brand was viewed before. A refresh can keep or update recognized visual elements and can be as simple as updating messaging or colors. Northern Michigan University recently gave their academic and athletic logos a refresh and chronicled the journey to explain why it was needed. Along the way they included students, staff, faculty, alumni, and athletes in the refresh process.

A Complete Rebrand
This option goes beyond makeover and right into going under the knife: a completely new logo design with fresh messaging, a reinvented visual system, and a transformed program to catapult the organization forward. One brand that executed this idea well is Old Spice. Ten years ago Procter & Gamble knew it was time to leave the sailor imagery and logo behind. The result was an over-the-top advertising campaign featuring actor Bruce Campbell that reached a whole new generation and jumpstarted sales.

As Janet Odgis, President and Creative Director of Odgis + Co says, “It takes effort to examine where you are, and where you want to go; there is discomfort in looking at your competition and facing what can be improved within your own company… see it as an opportunity to fall in love again with your business.”

Ready to refresh or a rebrand your events? Start by setting up your next event on