How To Find Great Food Sponsors for Events

Finding great food sponsors for events can be a challenge. After all, there are a lot of things to consider and do when organizing sponsored events. This is why, in this article, we will be going over how to find the perfect food sponsor, how to write a sponsorship proposal, and more, making your job just a little bit easier. 

What Are the Benefits of Offering Great Food in Your Event?

A significant part of an event is the food. Choose poorly, and people might leave feeling annoyed and like there was something major missing from their experience. Choose well, and you’re more likely to have a successful event with satisfied guests. There are plenty of reasons for this.

First, great food can make guests feel more inclined to stay longer at your event. If your event is on the longer side and you don’t have food, there’s a good chance people will leave early simply because they’re hungry. But if there’s good food available to them, they’ll likely stick around. 

We have all looked back fondly at an event because it had delicious food. So, having great food at your event can also make your event one of these unforgettable experiences. And if guests liked your event, whether it was due to the food or other aspects of it, they’re more likely to come back for your next event and tell their friends about it as well.

Food is an important part of the attendee experience, as it’s something that is universally enjoyed. So, doing what you can to make sure your event’s food is great can pay dividends in the long run, both for your event and your reputation as an event planner.

7 Tips To Find the Perfect Food Sponsor for Your Event

Finding great food sponsorships for your event can help you free up some of your event budgets, boost credibility, and even expand your customer base. So it’s important to do it right. The good news is that finding a great food sponsor for your event is possible, especially if you follow the following tips. Keep reading!

1. Define Your Event Goals and Evaluate Needs

Before you even think about finding food sponsors, it’s essential to first define your event goals. For example, is your event celebrating a culture in which it makes most sense to have a specific type of cuisine? Understanding what you want your event to achieve will help you choose food sponsors that align with these goals and your brand image.

Additionally, you’ll need to understand what your event needs. Estimate how many guests you will have at your event so you can make sure that your sponsors are able to provide for those guests. Proper planning can help you find a food sponsor that not only meets your requirements but also contributes to the overall success and satisfaction of your event.

2. Outline the Promotional Benefits You Can Offer

A sponsor-event creator relationship should be mutually beneficial. So, another step to finding the right food sponsor for your event is to outline the promotional benefits you can offer your sponsors in return for their event sponsorship efforts. For example, if the sponsors will get media coverage, social media posts dedicated to them, opportunities to be promoted by different marketing channels, or networking opportunities from the event, make sure that you are able to clearly articulate those promotional benefits to them. When you do this, you’re more likely to attract sponsors who see the value in a partnership with you and are willing to make the time and resource investment into your event.

3. Use Online Platforms To Research Potential Sponsorship Opportunities

Online platforms can be a big help when researching potential food sponsorship opportunities. You can use social media platforms, industry-specific forums, professional networking sites, or sponsorship databases to look for local sponsors that align with your event’s goals, values, and needs. By being proactive with your sponsorship search, you’re more likely to find like-minded local restaurants or other kinds of sponsors than if you just wait for sponsors to come to you. 

4. Research and Contact Your Competitors’ Sponsors

One of the best ways to find food sponsors for your event is to research your competition’s sponsors and contact them. Look for past events within your industry or events that had a similar target audience as yours. Then, check which organizations served as food sponsors for those events and put together a list of all these sponsor names. Once you’ve evaluated these sponsors and confirmed that they align with your event’s goals, it’s time to reach out to them and see if they would be interested in partnering with your event as well.

5. Make a List of Potential Sponsors That Share Your Values

Whichever way you’re able to find potential event sponsors, whether it’s through competitor research, searching for them on online platforms, or both, make sure to create a list of all these potential sponsors. Then, it’s time to evaluate these sponsors and make sure that they align with your event’s values. If they do, you can move on to the next step.

6. Don’t Forget To Try Out the Food!

An often forgotten part of finding the perfect food sponsor for an event is to actually try out the food! You may find a sponsor who shares your values and is eager to sponsor your event, but it’s also very important that you make sure the food is good. Remember, a bad food experience can make your guests leave your event with a poor impression of it and makes them far less likely to recommend it to anyone else or even show up again next time. 

7. Involve Your Target Audience in the Decision Process

Keep your target audience in mind throughout the process of deciding who will sponsor your event. After all, they are the ones who you hope will leave the event feeling satisfied and excited for the next event. So, involve them in the decision process! You can do this through polls on your social media platforms, surveys, or some other way you like to collect information. Gather insights into their preferences, dietary requirements, and expectations so you can find a sponsor who fits well with their desires. Taking the time to involve your target audience makes it easier for you to find a food sponsor that resonates with your audience and improves their experience at your event.

How Do You Create an Event Sponsorship Proposal?

Finding a great potential food sponsor is just one part of the process. To actually create an event sponsorship agreement, you need to first send a proposal. Here is what you need to include in an event sponsorship proposal:

  • Details about the event: Make sure that your potential sponsor has all the information and event materials they may need to make a decision about sponsorship. This may include the type of event, the date and time of the event, the location, the size and scope, the mission, and the goal of the event.
  • Past event attendance information: Give your potential sponsors details like how many attendees have been at past events, potential customers at the next event, and any attendee demographics you think are relevant.
  • Benefits of sponsoring your event: As discussed earlier, it’s important to highlight that potential sponsors can sponsor an event in exchange for benefits like press coverage or networking opportunities.
  • Sponsorship opportunities available: Give your potential sponsors different event sponsorship packages they can choose from. Make sure you properly outline what you expect from them and what they should expect from the sponsor campaign.
  • Explanation of your strengths as an event planner: Most sponsors want to work with seasoned event organizers as they want to feel like working with you will be beneficial, simple, and easy. So, highlight your experience, expertise, and unique capabilities as an event planner to help instill confidence that you will be a great partner.
  • A call to action: Any great sponsorship proposal will include a call to action for your potential sponsor to take if they want to move forward with the partnership. So make sure to clearly say if they should call or email you and provide contact details.

How To Foster Sponsor Long-Term Relationships After the Event

Finding a great food sponsor for future events can take a lot of work, which is why it’s so crucial to foster long-term relationships with your sponsors after your event. Firstly, throughout the sponsorship process, maintain an open line of communication to make sure you are both feeling good about the experience. You don’t want to find out they were unhappy with working with you after your event. 

Another important part of maintaining a good relationship with your sponsor is to show your gratitude both privately and publicly. Thank them in person, via email, on your website, on your social media accounts, in your event program, and anywhere else where you send out communications. Gratitude goes a long way!

Simplify Sponsor Management for Your Upcoming Event

Managing your food sponsors doesn’t need to be so hard, especially when you use, which helps streamline the process from start to finish. With, you can effortlessly create, send, and track sponsorship proposals and agreements directly from your account. You can also build sponsorship packages with our library of templates. With, managing sponsor relationships has never been easier or more efficient. Schedule a demo today.