10 Tips on How to Find Speakers for an Event

The Importance of Choosing the Right Event Speaker

Choosing the right event speaker contributes to the success of your next event. The right speaker tailors their message to suit the event’s audience and goals, providing the audience with valuable insights and takeaways. They can energize the atmosphere, keeping participants engaged and motivated. On the other hand, a mismatched or uninspiring speaker can lead to disinterest and rob your event of a lot of potential meaningful interaction. Selecting the right event speaker is a key part of planning an event that leaves a lasting impact.

Expert Tips to Find the Right Speaker

From understanding your audience’s needs to evaluating potential candidates, important insights can help you find the right guest speakers. Here are 10 expert tips to guide you in choosing the public speakers for your next event. 

1. Understand Your Audience Demographics

Understanding your audience demographics is vital to selecting the right speakers for events. Align the speaker’s expertise and presentation style with the preferences and expectations of your attendees. Think about factors such as age, profession, interests, and industry. An older audience might prefer an industry expert to give valuable insights, while a younger crowd might benefit from a more engaging motivational speaker. 

By delving into demographics, you get insights that help you choose inspirational speakers who resonate, connect, and deliver relevant and relatable content. A “compelling speaker” for some is not always a compelling speaker for all!

2. Define Relevant Topics and Themes

How a speaker says something is very important, but so is what they say. This is why defining relevant topics and themes is necessary when searching for the right event speaker. Start by identifying the core message and objectives of your event. Every event has its own objectives, and the right speaker will be able to share information that is in line with yours. 

It’s also a good idea to research current trends, challenges, and the interests of your audience and share those with your speaker. A speaker who can address these themes effectively will engage attendees and provide tremendous value and an engaging experience.

3. Use Speaker Search Platforms

Leveraging speaker search platforms has revolutionized the process of finding the ideal guest speaker for an event. These platforms provide an extensive list of speakers who are seasoned professionals, thought leaders, and experts, making it easy to find the type of speaker that matches your event’s objectives and budget. 

These platforms often feature reviews, ratings, and samples of past performances, allowing you to make more informed decisions as well. Whether you’re looking for charismatic keynote speakers, niche industry experts, or motivational speakers, these platforms offer an efficient way to find dream event speakers that engage your audience effectively.

4. Evaluate Speaker Expertise and Credibility

Popular speakers are not always credible speakers. Look over potential speakers’ qualifications, experience, and accomplishments in the relevant field. Endorsements, publications, or noteworthy speaking engagements can also show they are qualified speakers who know their stuff. For example, if you’re looking for a financial expert, you can look at their website or portfolio to see what they have published in the industry. You can also look at previous reviews to see if people were happy with their level of expertise. 

A credible speaker shares insights and should build trust and rapport with the audience. They instantly become more trustworthy when attendees know their qualifications. By rigorously assessing quality speakers’ expertise and credibility, you’re more likely to find a dynamic, influential presence that not only informs but also inspires.

5. Review Speaker Content and Engagements

Reviewing a speaker’s content and engagements is another essential part of the process of selecting the right fit for your event. Look at their past presentations, articles, or videos to gauge the quality and relevance of their content.

It’s also important to review their past speaking engagements. A seasoned speaker with a track record of successful speaking engagements shows they are reliable. You can also try reaching out to previous organizers to make sure that they are easy to work with.

6. Clarify Expectations and Agreements

When finding the perfect speaker for your event, make sure to clarify what you both want to get out of the event beforehand. Start by setting clear expectations, including the scope of their presentation, key messages, and any specific requirements.

This clarity prevents misunderstandings and builds trust between you and the speaker. Setting expectations and formalizing agreements set the stage for a successful partnership. This also helps them prepare to deliver a presentation that meets and exceeds your goals. If you both get this right, it might be the beginning of a beautiful partnership!

7. Negotiate Speaker Fees and Arrangements

Negotiating speaker fees and arrangements is another critical aspect of securing the right speaker for your event. Start by understanding your budget constraints and the value the speaker brings to your event. Be careful not to nickel and dime them, as it can create unnecessary tension just to save a few bucks. Be prepared to engage in open and respectful discussions to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Besides fees, consider factors like travel expenses, accommodations, and other arrangements. Flexibility is key, as some professional speakers may not be willing to adjust their terms to fit your budget. Negotiating effectively means you get the best value while respecting the speaker’s expertise and worth. A well-negotiated deal not only meets your financial goals but also sets the stage for a successful event that benefits both parties.

8. Confirm and Prepare the Chosen Speaker

Once you’ve selected the ideal speaker for your event, the next crucial step is confirming and preparing them. Begin by formally confirming their participation, outlining all agreed-upon terms, and confirming they understand the event’s theme, objectives, and audience demographics. Provide them with detailed logistics and contracts needed to finalize the agreement.

Prior to the event, share any event-specific information, such as the venue layout, audiovisual setup, and any technical requirements. This thorough preparation helps the speaker feel confident and well-prepared. This results in a seamless and impactful presentation that resonates with your audience, making your event a resounding success.

9. Integrate the Speaker into the Event

Choose a slot for your speaker to do their presentation that works for the flow of your event. If you have additional panels or activities you’d like them to participate in, make sure you clear it ahead of time. Designate a point of contact for the speaker to address any last-minute concerns or needs during the event. The last thing you want is for them to be looking confused at the event and waste their valuable time. That’s unfair to them and to your audience. 

A smoothly integrated speaker makes for an event that is more organized and enjoyable for everyone, so this is definitely not a step to skip.

10. Coordinate Speaker Activities

Coordinating speaker activities includes setting clear timelines for presentations, Q&A sessions, and any additional engagements. It’s important that you and the speaker are in complete agreement about event details and what they should be doing throughout the event. If you don’t do this, they may feel they are being taken advantage of. The same goes for you if you expect something from the speaker that was not clearly agreed upon beforehand. Proper coordination can save you a lot of headaches during your event.

Start Planning Which Innovative Event Speaker You Want at Your Next Event

When it comes to planning your next event, one key ingredient that can make or break the experience is your speaker lineup. Thanks to platforms like Events.com, this process can be seamless. Our all-in-one platform allows you to add team members with specific roles so you can manage your speakers’ responsibilities easily.

With Events.com, you’ll have a platform at your fingertips that helps you streamline the entire event planning process, not just managing event speakers. Events.com simplifies your process by offering user-friendly tools for everything from your ticketing and attendee management to your event marketing strategy. If you want to stress less, schedule a demo today.